21 March 2023
The Dangers Of Having A Role Model
Time to be yourself
21 March 2023
Time to be yourself
You are my role-model.
I admire who you are, what you do, how you do it.
I want to learn from you.
I’m really, really fascinated by your way.
I so want to be like you.
So I try doing everything like you do.
There comes a challenge.
What would you do?
I do it.
Why doesn’t it work!?
I did it like you …
It doesn’t even feel right.
I find myself lost.
Really confused.
Suddenly, I get it.
It’s quite straight-forward.
I’m simply not you.
So there I am, puzzled – what should I do?
And then I hear a gentle whisper within:
“Time to be yourself, love. Be YOU”
I sit in surprise with what I feel.
What a relief this seems to be!
That all I need to do is –
just BE ME!