Episode 83

Using the arts to reconnect teams

Join violin virtuoso Miha Pogacnik to explore the power of arts and music to reconnect teams

Miha Pogacnik is a Cultural Entrepreneur, Social Artivist and Ambassador of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. He is perhaps best known for using his violin in organic and disruptive ways to reposition the impact of the Arts in society and connect disciplines, cultures and generations.

At the crossroads of economy, politics and culture he is founder of Ecoculture, NGO Gandin Foundation and IDRIART. Miha uses his artistry with groups of leaders to open up a deep exploration of common challenges and dilemmas regarding performance, motivation, inspiration, vision, direction, action with impact, trust, co-creation and creativity.

Listen to TNM’s Zoran Todorovic in conversation with Miha, and experience a taste of the Miha Method, which awakens the artistic principle in his audience and explores its relevance to the challenges of today’s organisations.


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