Episode 62

The House of Rock Star

She came to teach leadership and entrepreneurialism through music with the development of her “House of Rock Star” program.

Singer, artist, author (“No More Playing Small: Free Your Inner Rockstar and Go All in on Your Full-Time Coaching Career”), coach and teacher, Megan Jo Wilson supports women to own their power, brilliance, beliefs and wisdom, and to develop their leadership skills in a world and culture that doesn’t honor the feminine.

She discusses how she came to teach leadership and entrepreneurialism through music with the development of her “House of Rock Star” program.

Her Rock Star Camp gives women a visceral experience of being literally in the spotlight, seen and heard in an extreme way with music as the supporting partner.

Feelings of annihilation become feelings of inspiration and it is all streamed live! Learn more about this transformative, empowering experience here.

Insta:  https://www.instagram.com/meganjowilson/

Web: https://www.meganjowilson.com/


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