Episode 91
How Historical Imprints affect your business and your life with Sabreena Andriesz
Why do companies spend large sums on sick leave
Episode 91
Why do companies spend large sums on sick leave
In this episode we are exploring Historical Imprints:
In Ethology, imprinting is any kind of phase-sensitive Learning (learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behaviour. It was first used to describe situations in which an animal or person learns the characteristics of some stimulus, which is therefore said to be “imprinted” onto the subject. Imprinting is hypothesized to have.
Imprinting is important for raising the young, as it encourages them to follow their parents. This is referred to as “filial imprinting.” For example, in the wild, animals learn to hunt while watching their parents hunt. In humans, babies learn to speak by mimicking their parents’ speech.
What are your historical imprints and how is this affecting your life now?
Sabreena is a whole systems thinker with deep experience in senior executive and organizational development. Skilled in Organizational, Leadership and Executive Development, Workshop Facilitation, C-Suite Coaching, Mentor Coaching, Coaching Supervision and Action Learning.
Sabreena holds a PhD in Organizational Development and Change with double Masters Degrees in Social Science (Counselling), Human Development and is also a credentialed Master Certified Coach(MCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF). Her area of expertise focuses on leadership in Western Multinational Corporations located in foreign subsidiaries.