Leelou Questionnaire

Are you ready for coaching?

Here are some questions to help you reflect on whether you are ready to start coaching.

You will see a number of statements. Rate each statement on a scale from 1-5 in terms of the extent to which the statement is true for you, where 1 is low (not at all true) up to 5 (very true).

Once you’ve rated the statements, you’ll get an assessment of how ready you are to start coaching.

  • I can make and keep commitments with myself and with others to have coaching sessions and work on the resultant actions

  • I keep my promises with little or no struggle or sabotage.

  • I have time to invest in myself and in my commitments.

  • I am fully willing to do the work to get to where I want to go.

  • I am fully willing to let the coach do the coaching.

  • I am prepared to try new things, even when I am not sure they will work.

  • I will be open and honest and tell the truth to my coach.

  • If I am not getting what I need or expect from the coach, I will let my coach know immediately and get it resolved.

  • I am willing to stop or change the self-defeating behaviours which limit or sabotage my success.

  • Coaching is the appropriate discipline for the changes I want to make (vs. therapy, mentoring, etc.)

  • I have the patience to keep taking actions toward my goals, regardless of how immediate the results are.

  • I have the support I need to make significant changes in my life (i.e., family, friends, co-workers, company buy-in).

How ready are you?

You may find it helpful to prepare yourself more before you start your first coaching session:

  • How can you set aside enough time for the sessions and the work that will come out of them?
  • How can you give yourself the space to decide what you would really like to get out of coaching and identify what would make you really committed to make it work?
  • How can you get support from others to make the changes that may come out of coaching?


How ready are you?

You’re ready for coaching!

As you start the sessions, be aware of what might get in your way of making this a valuable experience and discuss with Leelou how you’ll overcome any obstacles.


How ready are you?

Get going – you’ve got things in place to have a fantastic experience of coaching!

As you start the sessions, ask your coach to demand a lot from you – you’re ready to be stretched!



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